So I went on a mission to find some doily ornament (p)inspiration. If you haven't heard of pinterest you are missing out on hours of eye candy. I find its the best place to search for craft tutorials. But I digress.
I've liked doilies for a while now, although I think I used to think them grandmaish. I've realised its the way you use them that takes them from fuddy duddy (spelling?) to creative and beautiful. If you are interested in finding doilies your local opp shop is the best place. The $2 shop sells paper ones these days. I know. I have a supply of paper ones from my MIL. They are many years old.
Ideas and tutorials
(click on the links below the piccies)
Stiffened Doilies
This sounds easy and I've wanted to do this for some time.
1. Lay textile doilies on a covered surface. With a foam brush or roller, coat both sides of doilies with undiluted fabric stiffener until just saturated. Let dry overnight.
2. Press with an iron.
3. Hang from thread or monofilament.
Wooden birds with decoupaged doilies
and aged with a dark patina.
and aged with a dark patina.
Felt Doily Stars
Hanging Fabric Doilies
Doily Star
and just in case you missed this from my first christmas ornament swap post
here's my favourite again.
Paper Doily Bird
PS. While I did find some use of doilies for Christmas ornaments I found more as decoration therefore part two to come.
I love the birds too Sus! Sara