Wednesday, May 2, 2012

my hopes for my 2012 life

Resolutions for the remainder of 2012. 
tick tock. they say time flies. time can't actually fly but it doesn't stand still. 

Trying to slow things down intentionality. Be grateful for what you have/do. 

Make me a priority
 Not just my life but actually me how i feel, how I am with my thoughts and actions. That was and still is the aim of this blog to help me work through me being me. I want to be the better me now rather than the sometimes blue one who is hard to motivate.

I wish to reinvent my wallrobe and try to do my hair more often. 

My love life 
A little romance perhaps.

Quality time with my Children 
Which it feels like their isn't much of as opposed to quantity time which there is lots of. This will involve Alphabet weeks. Stay tuned folks.
My creative space
Each month I want to make/do:
x1 item of clothes
x1 an organised home
x1 new recipe
x1 read a book
x1 thrifting trip
x1 recipe hand written into my recipe book

Staying close
Connecting with my parents, brothers (and their families) 
and my bro-in-law more and better. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that bit about going easy on yourself and doing downtime!


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