Wednesday, May 9, 2012

i see a little tradition forming

If you didn't know Mothers Day is this coming Sunday, which also happens to fall in Feijoa season. Last year all I asked for Mothers Day was this Feijoa Cake with Crumble Topping (the photo does it no justice) and homemade cards. It's the thought that counts right and as it takes a wee while to prepare and cook there is quite a bit of love put into it. 
When The Man gets home from work today I'm going to formally request it. So as he knows I mean it not just a random comment. As ladies and gentlemen this cake is fab. 

PS. I'm also going to request some hair straighteners using FLY BUY points as part of project reinvention. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

anonymous-and-pseudonyms - Ctd

So back tracking to January and hanging at my parents in Blenheim. With The Man slaving away in ChCh. We arrived mid week 11th or something and the local rag always has a section on pets available at the SPCA. I always read it. You know the type of thing with an adorable 'please take me' photo and two lines about how amazing this cat, dog, rat, etc is. So I spot a VERY cute picture of this black Labrador/Pointer cross. Oooh this caught my attention. 

ANGUS. "A 12 week old sweet, boy puppy". 

At the same time I note a Christmas special of $50 for a dog. It says. I read it several times then read the rest of the rag and go on about my mothering or rather time watching my Mum being a Nana. Her favourite thing.

I mull over this all day. Go back to the paper. Reread it. I really want a dog. Always thought I'd have a dog. We had a labrador when growing up (so did The Man). I've always liked the look of pointers. My brother had a pointer. I'd spent considerable time in my head (and reading books and online) in past years debating the merits of different breeds. The Man wants a Great Dane. Whatever. Remembering that we are moving in a matter of weeks and thinking to myself if we get a dog now #1. We'll have to choose a place where we can have a dog. #2. We've got 2 weeks ahead of ourselves at Mum and Dads and nothing to do but go fishing with Granddad at the beach or river. Perfect.
So my brother comes around on the Friday night. I tell him I've got something for him to look at. I go hunt out the rag and show him. He loves dogs and misses his pointer. He says "oh hard work blah, blah" but his eyes say "oh he's so cute." Having not said anything to Mum and Dad (even asking them if it would be ok to have said dog at their place) they poo pooed it. Thinking I'd have missed out on him anyway I ring up first thing on Saturday morning. He's still there. He's lovely they say. Ok we'll come and meet him.
So I took my bro with me for advice. I thought to myself the only way I'll take him is if he's calm. And he was oh so calm. Didn't jump (well not much). My bro reckoned it was a goer. How could we not. So we did and now he's ours. I did try to call The Man to ask his thoughts/permission but he didn't answer his phone so he didn't really have much say this big family decision. Probably for the best as we'd not have got him otherwise. He wasn't $50 as that was a mistake. It wasn't Chirstmas- wishful thinking. But for $100 the cheapest dog we were going to find. 
We spent days debating his name. I liked Angus (he could be GUS like our friends dog) as the SPCA had called him but I had always thought I call a dog Forrest. Nobody liked Forrest. He ran around after his Master (Mr Happy) so we named him Shadow. He is his dog. This is funny too as it rhymes with Mr Happy's real name so Shadow he is. And he has grown so much. He's now about 7mths and while not as calm he is a good looking dog who I look at and imagine the future with. How nice is that. Best decision I've made in years.

All photos are from his first week with us. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

my hopes for my 2012 life

Resolutions for the remainder of 2012. 
tick tock. they say time flies. time can't actually fly but it doesn't stand still. 

Trying to slow things down intentionality. Be grateful for what you have/do. 

Make me a priority
 Not just my life but actually me how i feel, how I am with my thoughts and actions. That was and still is the aim of this blog to help me work through me being me. I want to be the better me now rather than the sometimes blue one who is hard to motivate.

I wish to reinvent my wallrobe and try to do my hair more often. 

My love life 
A little romance perhaps.

Quality time with my Children 
Which it feels like their isn't much of as opposed to quantity time which there is lots of. This will involve Alphabet weeks. Stay tuned folks.
My creative space
Each month I want to make/do:
x1 item of clothes
x1 an organised home
x1 new recipe
x1 read a book
x1 thrifting trip
x1 recipe hand written into my recipe book

Staying close
Connecting with my parents, brothers (and their families) 
and my bro-in-law more and better. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hello there, do you remember me? 

Last I left you I was going on a fishing holiday in January and now it's almost May. So over the next wee while I'm going to record (kinda in date order) what's been happening while I took a 'blogiday'.

I kinda forgot to let you know. I was going to do this dramatic post about this sad/exciting news. It's only a small detail. But his little fam-dam-ily of mine has moved from shaky Christchurch to Wellington, the Kapiti Coast more precisely. 

I can now say I live by the beach. Recently I've been describing myself as occasionally happy. Shock Horror. 

I've a post planned to tell you all about the actual wee move as it's a little dramatic, it seems that's how we roll. Please come and join my green life as new things are a foot.  

Smile x x x
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