Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014 - One word


Just quickly I thought I'd drop in and share a pretty summery NZ Happy New Year for 2014 (see 2013 here).

I spent New Years Eve in a backcountry hut and walked out in the rain this morning wading across a river 6 times. Not everybodies cup of tea but one of my favourte things to do. 

And my word for this year... 


Should make for a good year I reckon. 

Linking in with Maxabella 


  1. Good on you for focusing on yourself in 2014 x

    1. I know that when I'm happy generally everybody else is happy too. I'm really going to try hard. Thanks for commenting.

  2. I know a few people with similar goals for this year :) Hope the year is all you hope it to be :)

    1. I really hope your year is all you hope it to be too!

  3. Yes! I think your word is my favourite one so far, Smilie. It's a brilliant choice and I hope you make the headspace and time to make it happen. x

  4. Hi there, hey you commented on my blog about my book - The Little Tree. You seemed really genuine in wanting one? I have a second available if you're keen. It has my address sticker in the inside front cover and has been read through by a couple of people but not damaged and in good condition. Anyway if you're keen I can give it to you at a reduced price - just didn't want you to miss out! please don't feel obligated either! email me sarah at sarahjane dot co dot nz xx (sorry couldn't find your email)


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