Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Making : knitted peggy squares to put towards a combined kindy blanket
Cooking : bit sick of cooking lately so next question
Drinking : coffee with my new plunger (its the little things)
Reading: Maya Angelou's I know why the caged bird sings. What a woman.

Wanting: tools to make leather things
Looking: at my man about the house's new beard. He's never had one and its pretty weird.
Playing: spotify's Indie Folk albums on repeat.
Wasting: the thing I always waste- time.
  Sewing: hand sewing little XOXO onto hotwater bottles

Wishing: that an upcoming course I'm going to do will be life changing
Wishing #2: the camera wasn't broken so I could take photos of my completed hotties. Spring is coming...
Enjoying: Game of Thrones Session 2. Jon Snow is a tad handsome.
Waiting: for the end of the school holidays (confession I started writing this a few days ago).
Liking: all things made of leather. This has a lot to do with the fact I scored big at the op shop with some dark chocolate leather. It's the real deal too as the smell is beautiful.

Loving: the quotes the minimalists put on FB. I do actually bother to read them and try to remember that living intentionally will lead to more. From Josh and and Ryan a week or so ago-
"Happiness, as far as we’re concerned, is achieved through living a meaningful life: a life filled with passion and freedom in which we grow as individuals and contribute beyond ourselves. Growth and contribution: those are the bedrocks of happiness. Not stuff."
Hoping: a new opportunity that has presented itself will lead to something amazing for our fam-dam-ily 
Marvelling: how angelic Storm is after spending 4 days away from us with her Grandparents
Needing: to learn more self control 

Smelling: not much, stiffly nose
Wearing: white pants- always dangerous but there is something about wearing white pants for me that appeals to my inner happy. And appropriately this article was on Stuff today.
Following: the minimalist's (Oh wait I said that already!)
Noticing: how Master Happy is growing up and getting slimmer

Knowing: that we are getting there slowly with looking to buy a home
Thinking: happy thoughts about the photos/memories in this post
Feeling: happier than I have in years
Bookmarking: how to make leather bags
Feeling: pretty content with this winter which is a nice change for me regarding winters

Photos from well 'lately' plus a couple of good ones  I stumbled across 

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