Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello 2015: One Word


Wishing you all a happy, sparkly, shinny, black canvas, full of promise, brand spankin' 
New Year. 

I know for lots of my friends 2014 was just poos but for me it was good, great even. Mostly I have to say because my one word focus for 2014 was ME (see my reflections on 2013 and 2014 here). Generally 2014 involved my health/well-being improving, my a green life business going well (see felt and facebook), my kids being happy at school/kindy, and I've a new venture for 2015 that I'm excited about.

So now I'm getting ME sorted I thought it might be apt for my word this year to be....

Drum roll please


PS. Stay tuned as this might even involve some blogging action. 
PPS. Using my awesome- if I do say so myself- image of Pohutuwaka's from last year again. Summer 2014 on the Kapiti Coast has been absolutely beautiful with Pohutuwaka's. 

Linking in with Maxabella 


  1. *popped over from Maxabella Loves 'One Word' link-up*

    Hope that 2015 is just as awesome for you as 2014 was. I love the word US - it's a beautiful invitation to collaborate, share and experience. Enjoy it!

  2. From 'me' to 'us' can only bring a beautiful year ahead. May you thrive on every minute of it. Thanks for linking up and hello! Nice to meet you! x

  3. Wishing you a happy sparkly new year also. Hope your guiding word of US brings with it all you are hoping for.


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