Anyways i got it all at the dumps shop which is politely called 'the ecoshop'. People just take this stuff to the dump! I've been there twice now and I'll be back.
You'll have to excuse the weeds growing in the gravel. I have since been gardening (weeding). Also the mantel piece I found on the side of the road about a month ago and its been leaning against the fence ever since. I have great plans for it.
The reason for my trip to the dump (shop) was I thought they'd have a nice little pottery bowl I could gift to my husband (which they didn't). It was to be out 9th wedding anniversary the following day and we've been giving each other mostly handmade gifts using the traditional gifts for anniversaries. I knew I'd be able to find a cute little pottery vase which I did (the olive one on the right above) but I was a little upset as I thought that is really a present for me. And when I gave the little collection to my husband he said "I hope you enjoy them". Ah I did try. Luckily he hadn't gotten me anything as he's mad busy at the moment.
Another reason I wanted to go was I'd seen some massive and cheap pictures and frames the previous time and wanted to pick some up to do some re-purposing. I REALLY want a frame for a Vincent van Gogh print I got at the van Gogh museum in 2005. I didn't find one or the other amazing frame for $45 that was there last time either which we couldn't have afforded but I might just have brought.
from left to right spot the new dish rack, vintage sheet, x2 frames, pile of children's books, bags of toys for $3 each, bag of zips, sequins, eyelets, and beads for $3 and cute little frame.
My husband really took a disliking to this chair. But I've recently seen some done up pretty darn nicely here and here. It has a flip top lid so I flipped over the $5 price tag. And Master 2 is going to get the plane for Christmas. Done up a bit by is Papa to hang from his ceiling. Also spot the bag of mega blocks the kids are pretty happy about. I was too as this was on the very top of my list of things my children need.
The little yellow digger is world famous in our household so I'm going to give this near new copy to my nephew, when he comes in November.
Oh and in those bags of toys was the above wooden toy train, wooden toy truck, wooden clown wobbly thing, wooden pull along ducks, wooden ambulance, Bob the Builder tractor, plastic boat (with lots of levers) to satisfy Master 2's current boat love AND more lego. There was also a pile of plastic toys which can go back to the dump (shop) as I'm a wooden toy snob.
My christmas stash is looking pretty good. What a happy Mama I was.