Friday, January 13, 2012

anonymous and pseudonyms

Not sure if you've noticed but I've not been using our 'real' names on a green (and sometimes blue) life. Why?

I feel a little silly but I've decided not to as I don't want our names to be searchable on the web, particularly as I write about anxiety and while those that know the real life me know I'm pretty open about this I just want to protect my identity a little. Also I would like my children not to have an online presence until they create one themselves. Lots of bloggers use pseudonyms so I shouldn't feel silly. But I do. Personally I like it when a blog uses real names. 

Above is our family hands 2011 which has been hanging in our entranceway. We made it for fathers day. 

It's taken me a while to decide this and as I've not actually posted about it yet this is an indication that I'm not 100% sold on the idea. However I'm going to introduce some pseudonyms.

I am going to be 'smilie' as that was a nick name I was given in childhood. I don't think it describes me that well at present but a retired gentle man I meet last year and volunteered with decided to nick name me that, so I think its still relevant. 

My husband is going to be called 'The Man' or 'man about the house'.

My almost 5 year old daughter will be 'storm'. It's an apt name for her. Wikipedia describes storm as "any disturbed state of an astronomical body's atmosphere, especially affecting its surface, and strongly implying severe weather....Storms generally lead to negative impacts to lives and property". I think it describes her as she can be lovely one minute then she gets over stimulated, can't cope and this leads to behaviour that is well ... changeable imagine thunder and lighting. She is hard to take out. 

My 2.5 year old boy was harder to come up with a name for but I've decided on 'master happy' or 'dinosaurus'. He runs around the house being a din-o-sau-rus and roaring. He has a love of animals but is constantly changing his favourite ones as he discovers new ones. He's loved birds, giraffes, elephants, zebras, pigs and now spiders.  

summer holiday

gone fishing

The kids and me are heading to Blenheim for some fishing trips with my Dad and Mum so I'll be away from a decent internet connection for a couple of weeks. Hope you are enjoying summer. 

and when I get back (among many other things I hope to achieve in twenty twelve) I've a new project called project reinvention. In which I hope to regain some style in my wall robe, hair style and jewellery. While only thrifting and repurposing. As it's fair to say I'm not going to look like this fishing. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


and the living is easy.... 

On the National Radio afternoons summer show, titled Matineer Idol, they have been playing different versions of "summertime". It's the last song of the day just before 5pm and I don't know about you but at that time of the day I'm busy in the kitchen being the domestic goddess that I am. 

I've always loved this song. It's an aria composed by George Gershwin for the 1935 opera Porgy and Bess (Yes I know you've learnt something today haven't you). While I was living in South Africa I went to a big Opera production of Porgy and Bess. So now I REALLY love this song as it also brings back memories. Do you have songs like that? I like this version: 

.... well the living was easy until one parent (the man about the house) returned to work and one parent about the house isn't so easy (as lots of you will know). We'll get back into the swing of things but can you hear my big deep breath. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

happy twenty twelve

hello twenty twelve I have a good feeling about you but while I'm working on on what I want for this year. I thought I'd give you a feel for what I'd like this year to be about. 

Source: Top Left: dottie, Top Right:
Middle Left:, Middle Right: flickr.comBottom Left:, Bottom Right: via

Here's a hint- working on ME 
and enjoying my FAMILY and HUSBAND. 
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